Thursday 26 February 2009

Thursday 26th February

Drac didn't come back.
After Assembly, we got the chimpanzee from Year 4. It was our turn to look after the chimp toy. The School Councillors had decided to adopt a chimpanzee from Chester Zoo. In the package from the Zoo there was asoft toy, a certificate and tickets to get 10% off at the Gift Shop and you could meet the keepers. There was a Thankyou card too.

Mrs Garratt started making a dragon head for our display. Some children wrote out our questions about dragons. Other children drew dragons.

In the morning we also received an email from Chris Harber in Japan. He teaches English to the children in Furutsuki Elementary School. He sent us some photographs of dragon dancers in Nagasaki during the Chinese New Year Celebrations there. There was also a link to a Japanese story called "Urashima Taro", which has a dragon in it.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Wednesday 25th February.

Still no answers.

Year Three were disappointed to find there was still no answer to Mrs Hague's message when they arrived in the morning. It was suggested that perhaps the dragon would return if we left a gift for it.
The whole class started writing reports about the strange visit of the mysterious Drac.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Tuesday 24th February

Year Three Detectives.

There was no reply to the message left by Mrs Hague. The visitor had not returned.
Today, the children of Year Three brought in a number of books about dragons. We collected a large number of questions which we need to find the answers to. Perhaps Drac was short for Draco, part of the latin name given to many different types of dragon.

We had not been able to find out much about anyone called George. We had been able to find out about St George and we listened to the legend of "St George and the dragon".
Then Elliot found one of the books had a boy named George in it. So we listened to that story. The book was called "The Dragon Machine."

In the afternoon, the class had a dance lesson where they were able to imagine moving and flying as dragons.

Monday 23rd February

A strange visit.
This morning, Year Three came into their classroom to find that a table had been tipped over and some chairs had been knocked over. The box of used ink cartridges, left in the classroom for recycling had been spilt over the floor.

On one of the tables there was a mysterious parcel. Under this, there was a piece of paper poking out.

It seemed as if there had been a break-in, but none of the windows was broken and nothing had been taken. There was a strange mark on a table, which might have been a hand or footprint.
The piece of paper under the parcel was very carefully pulled out. It was a letter, which read:
I am Drac, smallest of the dragonfolk.
Help us to find the George who left us alone in the wilderness and did not return.
He was a people like you and has been gone a long time."

It was signed by Drac.

When the parcel was carefully opened, it was found to contain jelly babies and strange chocolate coins which had the word Ghana on them. These were covered with gold and orangey-brown coloured metal.

At playtime, the children of Year Three found a lot of chalk and sand marks in the playgrounds. Some children went to try and collect some of the marks on a piece of sticky backed plastic.
Mrs Hague tried to use the sticky backed plastic to collect the strange mark in the classroom, but it did not work. She later drew a picture of the marks before they were rubbed off.
Mr Coulbeck went to look at the CCTV footage.
In the afternoon, the class spoke to Mrs Palfreyman, the caretaker to find out what she knew. She told everyone that there had been a break-in and a lot of sand and chalk had been thrown around in the Reception playground. This had happened last Wednesday. All the school had been tidied after this had happened. Year Three had been left tidy on Saturday afternoon. This meant that our visitor must have come between Saturday night and Monday morning.
Before leaving school at the end of the day, Mrs Hague laft a message in the classroom in case Drac returned.