Thursday 5 July 2007

Moulton's Flood

This happened on the 22nd of June 2007. A flood hit Moulton. It happened because the drains weren't fast enough to cope with the water. They couldn't cope because there was so much rain. It was raining so heavily.

The flood knocked down bins and flooded houses.

One girl reported that she had to shut all the doors from the Conservatory to the livingroom because you could hear the banging of the rain on the roof of the Conservatory. It was annoying because when you shut all the doors you could still hear it! The drain on my road looked like a wave. It was moving just like the sea. My cat went right under the sofa because its only one year old.

Another girl added that her dad had to take all the plants in because they were waterlogged. There was 1cm of water in the pots. My dog was really scared of the rain and the noise. She hid beside the sofa and tried to get under it.

A boy reported that the drains were blocked at his house.

A girl said "It flooded into my garage and my car was flooded, but luckily we had my daddy's friend's car."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the blog is great.
So how are you doing.

Bye guys.
From Harrison.