Friday 2 November 2007

Bears Best Day

One sunny sumers morning the bear wanted to go to the park with his freind the Dog.So the Dog and the Bear went to the park.When they got there, the Bear went on the climbing frame, the slide, the round a bout,the see saw and finally the Bear went on the swings, when the Bear got going he went very very high.Suddenly the Bear shouted yippee and then he jumped off the swing. Suddenly the Bear shouted Ouch! because he grazed his knee jumping o the swing. Suddenly the dog came rushing to help the Bear whats up? asked the dog Ive grazed my knee jumping off the swing answered the bear we will have to go home for a plaster said the dog ok answered the bear. When they got home the bear put on a plaster.Then it was time for bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A nice story, i like the bit where the dog helped bear.