Wednesday 14 November 2007

Bears day out

One sunny morning the bear , the boy , and the dog went to Jurassic park. When they got

there the bear said I," ,want, to go to, ,the, "Tyrannosaurus' r'ex then he ran off!. Then the boy

and the dog went to find him. They were worred. finlly the dog fownd him. Then they went to

the Tyrannosaurus rex. Then they went home to bed then the bear said ",I, ,want, to, ,go, out,


Monday 12 November 2007

the bear

He went swimiming . He was swiming. He drowned and the boy catched him. The bear went out the pool." aRe we going owt agen?" asked the bear.

Friday 9 November 2007

Super bear

On one stormy night super bear was asleep on this big bed.In the moring it was a bright day.Super bear was bigger than a person.He could fly like a bat. Suddenly there was shouting every where .Super bear flew down onto the street.There was aburlay in the crystale shop he used his laver eyes to kill the baddies.Super bear put back themagic crstal.super bear made sure it wouldnt be stolen again super bear flew back to his house.By thomas upton

Monday 5 November 2007

Bear meets fish

Once there was a boy called josh, a dog called rusty and bear called frank.One day they desided that

they wanted to go to the lake so they did when the boy wasant looking rusty pushed frank in the

lake. So the josh ran home to get his fishing stuff so he cud go fishing for the frank.Frankwent to

walk around the lake josh curt somthing but it was a old boot.Frank found a bucket there was a

fish inside it so they played together nisely. The fish made the rod shake and the fish tuck the
huck.The fish got back in his bucket then josh curt frank by the back of his neck.Frank took
fish home.That night Frank said to josh how soon can we go to the lake.

Friday 2 November 2007

Jurassic park

The Bear,Boy and the Dog fell into time treurei in space.They bravelled back in time. Tne

Bear found an egg. The egg was a dodo bird egg. The dodo mum came back to the nest.

The mum dodo rept the Bear. The Bear screamed as l0ud as a monkey He made a
palhuay in the trees to a free harh the free the dodo kicked him away to the Trex
the Trex kicked He a gain.Then he went back home.The Bear still had the egg.

Bears Best Day

One sunny sumers morning the bear wanted to go to the park with his freind the Dog.So the Dog and the Bear went to the park.When they got there, the Bear went on the climbing frame, the slide, the round a bout,the see saw and finally the Bear went on the swings, when the Bear got going he went very very high.Suddenly the Bear shouted yippee and then he jumped off the swing. Suddenly the Bear shouted Ouch! because he grazed his knee jumping o the swing. Suddenly the dog came rushing to help the Bear whats up? asked the dog Ive grazed my knee jumping off the swing answered the bear we will have to go home for a plaster said the dog ok answered the bear. When they got home the bear put on a plaster.Then it was time for bed.

The Bear hopes he goes on a trane.

He goes to the station.The bear goes on a trane.He went round.He went home and he was dizzy.

Wednesday 31 October 2007

Party day.

One day bear went to a party and popped a balloon and then met paddington bear on the bouncy castle paddington popped the bouncy castle and the childen wore sad so he said sorry and they forgave him he said thank you. It is ok the children said and then the
man covered the hole . bear went to play for a bit longer and then went home with paddington. and on the way home they had a chat about the party.

super bear

one cold night this was a bear and one day he met a three heared trex and the trex gave a loud road and he started to breathe fire well he mliied and he flew over. Him and he started to wobble over and the dinosaur fell down and he squashed and some big bunldings fell down with a great big bang and the earth shook and there was a big storm and super baer heard some windows smashed really load and it heany hit him but it didnt. It bit a car with a bang and the car flew away in to a brlick wall and the car got and the baer fanleay cilld he.

Batman Bear

One sunny morning Batman Bear the Boy and the Dog went to the park, and Batman Bear said "can I go flying?" "Yes ok" answered the Boy. So the bear lifted his ears and flew up into the air.The Boy and the dog asked him, "are you ok up there." "yes I`m fiiiiiiiiine"Crash Bang, Batman Bear had crashed into a tree and broke an arm and a leg. He had to go to Bear Hospital and he got crutches and a cast and the nurse said it woud be better in two months.a couple of months later it was better and he went to the park and asked the Boy,"please can iI try flying without my crutches please please please?"Ok but be careful OK!" "I will" said the Bear.

Thursday 18 October 2007

The bear at the zoo

One sunny shiny day in september the boy and the bear went to the zoo. But when they got to the zoo zebras attaked the bear and they played,played and played !with him.Then the boy found the bear and the bear had a bath.

The Big lake.

One bright morning,Bear,the Boy,Jim and their dog,woke up from their sleep in a water cave on
land in the middle of the lake.Then Jim asked the dog and the Bear if they wanted to go for a walk around.Suddenly the Bear put his paws on a prickly rock.Then it moves slightly.A mouth
opens.Then the Bear jumped in the water and swam away.Then the Bear notices its a crocodile
chasing him around the Big lake.Suddenly a man got the Bear on a hook on a string.Then he swung the Bear into a tree.Then the Bear fell out of the tree.Suddenly the man saw the Bear on the floor hurt alot.He took a plaster out of his pocket.He called his brother to take the Bear home to the boy,Jim and the dog.When the Bear got home he had a bath and went to sleep.When the Bear was asleep the boy patted him on the head.

my bear story

One day bear was sitting on a tree in the jungle and suddenly boy and dog forgot about bear and boy walkes to the shops and buys some sweets and a drink. and then suddenly it started to rain and bear got all soggy. and thats when boy rememberd bear so boy ran as fast as he can and bear was gon he had flown away in the darknes and went to the moon boy was looking for him day night day night they cud not find him. he jumped off the moon and landed in boys arms and bear was back.

Friday 12 October 2007

the Bear wins a foot ball match.

It was a sunny day when bear woke up it was a special day to .It was bear's birthday . He went down stairs . His friends are behind the sofer . He didnt see them and suddenly they jumped owt and "boo!" and cody the boy started to sing happy birthday. The bear was having a football party but not an ordinary party. It was a real foot ball match . He had to get ready because he was going in a few seconds. Then he got ready and he went with his frends. He got there just in time and the game started . A few howrs later the game stopped the score was 12.4 and the Bears team won. He had to go against the harts team and Bear got to take it home . It was the 10th trophy he had got. On the way home they were all talking about it and the win was on the news.

Friday 5 October 2007

Super Bear

One coldest,stormiest night you could ever elmagine on a coner house a Boy, a Bear and a huge dog were fast asleep.Then in a wink of an eye Bear had long wings.He flew every where then he went to land.He had to fight the biggest Robots in the universe but Bear was so strong he defited them with his brilliant lazer.Then he saw huge enemy bears but Bear killed them withhis electric sleeper.But it was a dream.When he woke up he said''wheres my wings?''He said.Then he went back to sleeper.Get it HA HA!

The Bear Who fell in the pond

The Bear the Boy and the dog went to the posk on saturday they went to the pond. Then the Bear fell in the pond with a SPLASH.Then the Boy quickly got a long stick. But it wasn't long enough.Then a swa n came. "I can't swim " said the Bear.then The swan picked up the Bear.Then a feather fell off the swan.Then the swan took the Bear to land.Then the Boy took the Bear home.Then the Bear fur a bath and he wouldn't tell where he had been but the Boy knew.

Thursday 4 October 2007

the bear went swmming

one summr day the bear went swmming to cool down in the moning he went to get changed and then he jumped in to the pool and it was nice and the bear was surprised the bear said that is nice he said and he went home

Friday 28 September 2007

Coloured flowers.

First we cut some flowers.

Then put some red food dye in a jug and some water in another jug.

We left it for a bit and when we looked at it again the flowers had turned pink.

We wanted to see how the water got up the stem from the roots.

Friday 21 September 2007

Our special Worm World.

At first, we were digging in the Class garden for potatoes. We found 8kg of potatoes all together. Then we accidentally found a worm and picked a worm wrangler to make sure the worm didn't get hurt. Then we made a wormery to find out how a worm moves and finds its way around.

To make our wormery, we got some soil and put some sand over the top. And we kept on putting soil then sand, soil then sand so it would be easier to see how the worm moves.

"The worm felt all slimy and stiff", said the worm wrangler. "It was stretching and trying to get out of my hands."

We put the worm in the wormery and left it overnight. The wormery has a special cover to keep it dark. When we got back we looked at the wormery and the worm had moved.

This photo shows the gaps where the worm has been digging.

Then we put some water in the wormery to keep it alive, because when it rains they get water in their soil. We put some old parsley leaves on the top to let it have something to eat.

Monday 16 July 2007

Moulton school and year 3

In Cheshire there is a village called Moulton. In Moulton there is a school called Moulton School. Moulton School is where Year 3 learn. Some people live down the road but some people live in other villages like Kingsmead or Rudheath. Year 3's recent topics are Water, Maths games, weather and Internet safety. etc.

Thursday 12 July 2007

Piratical party.

Bones is the ship of Captain Pea Brain a very very fierce ship indeed. A ship with courage and a lot of brains.

The dog from Bones has lost his bone. The dog is called Paws.

Black Beard is jumping into the sea to get the bones. He holds his breath very tight, so he doesn't drown.

This is Blackbeard giving paws his bone.

Crusher, an enemy ship of Bones is about to attack. Will Bones win or will Crusher win ........?

This is Super Sally she is firing cannons on the Crusher.

Bones and Crusher are fighting.

Yay we won! We won. Crusher celebrated.

Erosion experiment.

One of our topics this term has been "Water". We've looked at pollution, floods, drought, rainfall, and important scientists like Dr John Snow, Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister.
This was a water experiment to show how trees help to prevent erosion. Erosion is when rain hits the ground really hard and farmland gets destroyed.

First of all, we got two trays, next we poured soil into the trays.

Then we cut some straws up and put them in one of the trays of soil. Then we put some fluff on the top to make it look like the leaves on trees

We got a plastic cup with really big holes in the bottom. We had to tape some of it up on the bottom. When we poured 500ml of water through the cup, it looked like real rain.
First we started on the tray with no straws in. The soil went all squelchy and it had mud slides. It looked like a swamp.

When we poured the water on the fluff, the fluff stopped a bit of the water getting on the soil. A few of the trees collapsed. When we took the fluff off and looked down, it looked a lot drier than the other tray.

Friday 6 July 2007


When puppies are born they are all white but they have pink noses.They are very small.

You have to keep the mum with her puppies.The puppies have to be kept warm. Most puppies
when they're born are put in a box with their mum.When they come out of their mum's tummy
they need a soft surface to come out.Puppies can't bark so they make a squeaking noise.

When puppies are a bit older they don't drink their mum's milk they have to be weaned.They
need about two visits to the vet's until they are at least one.

This is by a boy that has a dog that had puppies.

Internet Safety

Welcome, this piece of writing will tell you what not to do on the internet and what to do.

Read this if you don't know the rules of the internet.

Click on these links. Go to the links go to the website which will tell how to keep safe on the


These rules are very helpful:

Don't talk to people you don't know.

Don't open messages from people you don't know.

If you're unhappy about something on the internet tell someone.

Thursday 5 July 2007

Moulton's Flood

This happened on the 22nd of June 2007. A flood hit Moulton. It happened because the drains weren't fast enough to cope with the water. They couldn't cope because there was so much rain. It was raining so heavily.

The flood knocked down bins and flooded houses.

One girl reported that she had to shut all the doors from the Conservatory to the livingroom because you could hear the banging of the rain on the roof of the Conservatory. It was annoying because when you shut all the doors you could still hear it! The drain on my road looked like a wave. It was moving just like the sea. My cat went right under the sofa because its only one year old.

Another girl added that her dad had to take all the plants in because they were waterlogged. There was 1cm of water in the pots. My dog was really scared of the rain and the noise. She hid beside the sofa and tried to get under it.

A boy reported that the drains were blocked at his house.

A girl said "It flooded into my garage and my car was flooded, but luckily we had my daddy's friend's car."

Welcome to our Blog.

This is the first time that Year Three have ever written a Blog, so watch this space for more.......
See you again soon!