Monday 2 March 2009

Monday 2nd March

A second visit from Drac!

On Monday, we came in and saw sandy mud on the window and a reply to our letter.Our letter said:

Dear Drac,

Please could you let us know if you are a dragon or a people like us?
Could you let us know if the sweets you are left are poisonous.
Where do you live?
If you are a dragon, can you tell us about yourself?
Can you give us a clue who George is?
What is your full name? Are you a female or a male?
Why do you want to catch George?
Are you a friend?
How old are you?
What do you like to eat?

Thank you for answering our questions.
Mrs Hague and Year Three.

I thought he would come again because last time he came it was at the weekend. Jake took a photo of the book called "The Dragon Machine" that Elsie and Elliot found. Keira took a photo of the first question sheet then Elliot took the second question sheet.
I felt a bit uncomfortable because if the tables keep on tipping over they could easily break.

Lauren G.

I felt happy when Mrs Hague read out the answer that he wanted to be friends.

Drac left us answers to our letter. He put a thumb print on it. Now we know he is a dragon.He left a book on the floor that was called "The Dragon Machine". He is 102 and is not a fully grown dragon. There was another table knocked over. If it was a dragon who has been leaving notes that it is quite amazing how he has only 3 fingers and he can write very neat and well.

Lauren R

Because George left the dragons in the wilderness, the drgaons are unhappy. Drac would like to be our friend.

Drac has returned. He has left the answers. He is a half grown dragon. He is a male and likes humans. The sweets are not poisonous and he eats samll creatures but not humans. He would like to be our friend and he is 102. There was a clue of who George was and it said "He made a machine to trick us" and the dragons used to live at a place called Albion with trees and mountains. But now they live in the wilderness and they do not like it. They want George to come back to ask why he left them in a such a terrible mess. Drac could be a magic dragon so that he can go through the wall without it even breaking.


As a class, we cut a long strip of paper to show just how long a full-sized dragon could be. We had read that the adult European dragon could grow to be 17 feet high. We worked out that this is the same as 4 metres 20 centimetres.
We chose the European dragon since it has a footprint very like that left by Drac.
Since Drac is only half grown he could easily be 2 metres 60 centimetres tall. This is our strip of paper. It is very long. Mrs Hague had to stand on a chair to reach the same height as Drac.

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