Tuesday 3 March 2009

Tuesday 3rd March.

Questions and answers.

After Assembly, the morning started with the children setting our seed potatoes ready to start chitting. These are part of the competition run every year by the Potato Council. The winner is the school which produces the heaviest weight of potatoes when they are harvested in June.
The two varieties being grown this year are Rocket and Vales Emerald. There are two seed potatoes of each variety.
After chitting, our seed potatoes will be planted on Tuesday 17th March.

This morning we had a visit from our PCSO (Community Police Officer) after playtime. He very kindly came in to talk to the class about their very strange visitor and give some good advice. Listening very carefully to all the children had to say, he was told of the problems we were having in agreeing what to do about the sweets that had been left for us by Drac. Reminding the children that it was never a good idea to take anything from a stranger, we decided that it would be best for the sweets to be packaged up and returned to Drac.

Mrs Hague offered to replace the sweets herself so that the children would not be disappointed. This was generally agreed to be a good idea.

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