Sunday 8 March 2009

Friday 6th March.

We have been busy!

Today, the class continued work on planning their own legends. They also wrote reports for the Blog. Sadly, we are not able to access our Blog at school for the moment. So the children sent email attachments containing their reports to Mrs Hague, so that she could work on the Blog at home.

We also wrote a letter to Drac, just in case he visits again this weekend.

This is our class display board. It shows all the information we have been able to collect so far.

This photo tries to show just how big our class dragon is.


Sarah Mac said...

Hello Moulton School - Noah Walmsley-McCarthy and Mum have looked at your blog and enjoyed the stories. Would you like to look at our blog, which is about how we are settling on on the Isle of Lewis?

Year 3 said...

Thank you both for getting in touch. It is lovely to hear from you.
We look forward to reading your interesting Blog. The photos look wonderful!